Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wonder Woman

This is one of my nicknames. Why? Can I leap tall buildings in a single bound…no! Or maybe stop a locomotive with my little finger…not. I am able to multitask which makes me look like Wonder woman. I am in the middle of baking 60 cupcakes for pink ribbon day. Doing the ironing, supervising homework and making dinner. And I’m smiling as I write this!

My husband Richard is up at the local pool getting in some training for his next triathlon, so I’m doing it solo this evening.

Now, for the efficiency thing:

It is family night so we are having homemade pizza; the dough is resting at the moment. I have the timer on the oven so I can’t ruin the cakes and I come and go from the ironing as I check on the children’s progress.

It’s not brain surgery, I know. I have learnt to use my time wisely and approach things calmly. Think about what it is you need to do. Tell the children ahead of time what it is they will be required to do and when they need to start. I am extremely goal oriented so I have had to learn to relax if it doesn’t all get done (sometimes I manage it!).

I feel so thankful each morning that I have been given another day to enjoy life and I approach each and every day with the intention to get the most out of every moment and do it well.



Anonymous said...

Annie I love what you said about letting everyone (involved) know what the program is. I think it's important to give details so your kids and hubby and whoever else knows what's expected of them and what you're expecting of yourself. Too many times I think we (as women) hope people will read our minds and unfortunately they can't. What ends up happening is everyone involved falls short of YOUR expectations and you end up frustrated......oh that's a blog I think.

Also, I love the calm approach. I know (in our home) if I remain calm all hell can be breaking loose but if mum's calm, cool and collected whatever's going on seems watered down because I'm calm.

Love it Annie, keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me a visual of your situation, has helped me to pull apart my day and piece it back together. I can do what I need to do today.

Anonymous said...

I think also, the fact of life is that we do have 1000 things to do and we will do the bulk of it especially if we're not working full time (and like to live in some semblance of order), and we can either try and be organised and make it happen, with timers and systems, or let it all happen to us. I actually use the kitchen timer to time my kids for homework and chores and they get competitive and get it done!
I remain impressed that you can pull off 60 cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

That was me BTW
Jane x

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments! I thought it might sound a little hyper after Susan's post on being still. Funnily though the two go hand in hand. The more effecient we are doing the essentials the more time there is to attend to our soul.
Jane, I am going to steal the timer tip. It will work very well here :)

Annie xx

Anonymous said...

wonderwoman rocks.

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