Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Time Management......What does it mean?

I have been trying to get around to writing this post for the past 2 days...such is my time management!!

Time Management was never something I struggled with, I have always been particularly good with managing my time and abilities, being an on time and reliable person....and then I had kids!  Have they even heard of time management?? Why is their agenda always different to mine?

My struggle quickly became not that of being someone who had difficulty managing their time - but someone who knew what they needed to do, how they needed to do it and exactly when they needed to do it - but it just wasn't happening. When I tried to send that email, or get to the shops to buy groceries for dinner, or just even stop for five seconds, there was some urgent need that demanded my attention. So I had to learn not to try and fight it, to understand that this is a season in my life where these little people do require all of me, and all of the other things can go on hold for the time being.

I know this isn't the kind of 3-step "here's what you need to do to have great time management skills" kind of a post, personally I reckon you're either born with it or you're not, and if you're not you need to work pretty darn hard at it (but that is a whole other story and one that is open to a whole lot of debate no doubt)....anyhow where was I?? Oh yeah, this post is more for those of us who are constantly frustrated by not being able to get things done when and how you want.

As a busy mum of 2 both well under the age of 2.5 my advice is, in as much as you can, just stop and enjoy the ride, enjoy your kids, be with them completely, don't worry about the next thing like jumping to get on your computer, or getting to the dishes, or cleaning the house at the first free second you get. Yes, you probably need to work out a system to accomplish all the things you need to get done, but if you are the person I am directing this to, you are no doubt perfectly capable and will always get it done anyway. If you stress less about what needs to happen and just let a few things slide along the way, then everything will become much easier... just make sure you remember the things you've allowed to 'relax or slide' and do make them happen when it works ~ make that a priority.....everyday!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post Vicki. We all need to relax more and enjoy the moments we are given. They are a gift. When we are old and grey, we won't be thinking about how clean the kitchen was, but how well we invested into our families. Nicki

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