Sunday, March 18, 2007

Seize The Day!

I believe in the Latin the phrase “Carpe Diem”.

If there is one thing I have had to learn it is the art of “seizing the day” or to be truthful, to just stop procrastinating. I seem to use up so much physical energy finishing half a job and a truckload of emotional energy feeling frustrated and guilty when I don’t “just do it”. The things/jobs I’m talking about are things like:

➢ Filling the petrol tank before I’m in the “dear God please let me get to the petrol station” zone.
➢ The belated birthday card – what constitutes belated?
➢ Buying toilet paper before we start-using tissue, paper towels or… wipes!
➢ Picking up milk when you have a toddler or formula and nappies with our babies.
➢ Paying parking fines….yikes!

I am pleased to say that whilst not entirely on top of it (especially in the petrol area) I have realized that it is infinitely more efficient to ‘just do it’ (thanks for that NIKE). We need to pull our finger out and start moving, everything from exercise (ask Susan and Belinda) to organising the pantry (that would be Nicky) we are realizing the benefits of being one step ahead.

It’s amazing how being one step ahead clears your head allowing you space to deal with the present. Try it. Don’t entertain the options. You will love the feeling!!!!

Annie xx


Anonymous said...

I just filled up my tank with petrol, had the car washed for $4 (u gotta love Fiji) while waiting for dance lessons to finish AND got mobile phone credit!! I'm dangerous!

Feels great to be organised and a step ahead.

PS I love the fun fact about the wad and folding toilet paper thing, very funny!!


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!

Annie :)

Anonymous said...

Well put Annie. You've inspired me to do a few jobs that I've been putting off.
Keep going girls, this is making a huge difference.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nudge Annie! I finally donned my gardening gloves and got stuck into my garden. I was sick of looking out on a mass of intimidating weeds. I am pleased to report there are no more weeds!

Anonymous said...

Well done girls! Tackling even the smallest challenge empowers us to look at biting off an even bigger chunk.


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