Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Saving Time in the Bathroom

I bet you wondered what this post was going to be about and truly it is about saving time in the bathroom ~ it has nothing to do with what you’re thinking about!!!

I’m talking about time management! Something I do to save valuable time is keep Clorex Wipes (cleaning wipes) and Windex Wipes under the sink in all of our bathrooms or powder rooms. This allows me, and those in my family to do a quick wipe and tidy up at any time and it takes less than 30 seconds and vavoom the bathroom is sparkling clean. Use the wipes around the toilet and in a moment all problems are solved.

I find quick tricks like this can add minutes back into your day to focus on the things that are important. Why don’t you share some of your great time saving tips with us and help everyone gather back a few precious moments everyday.

Susan xoxo


Anonymous said...

My quick time saving technique... I store all of my garbage bags in the bottom of the garbage bin so as soon as I empty the garbage I have a new bag there pronto... no looking or searching for a new bag.

Anonymous said...

This may sound disgusting but I find that if I dispose of my mouthwash directly from my mouth onto my faucets then I can just wipe with toilet paper and keep my faucets clean. The acidity seems to remove any spots or splashes immediately.

Anonymous said...

This is great SS. I was just wondering the other day why i keep all my cleaning products in my kitchen and laundry when I end up hauling them all over the house to tidy up. I am going to install my bathrooms with their own sprays and wipes from now on. That way whoever's last to use the room can clean up! No excuses.

Anonymous said...

I love wipes. Especially the ones you can clean the toilet with and flush.
Keep posting time saving tips!

Anonymous said...

Great tips girls. Miss efficiency here is lapping them up.'Here is mine: Don't bring the mail inside. Sort it on your way to the recycling bin and only bring in what you need.

Annie x

Susan J Sohn said...

Okay I LOVE the mail tip.
I have heard people say (many times) that we should only touch a piece of paper 1-2x's. Meaning you get it, deal with it and either file it or throw it away. I'm struggling through this one and really want to get it right, as most of my friends know filing isn't my greatest gift so I'm just trying to deal with the paper/bill, whatever and then put it in my rude filing system.
Keep the tips coming you guys, these are great!

Anonymous said...

How Fantastic it is to share our time saving things we do, I use the Pine 0 Clean wipes all the time, they are just FAB. I wish I had invented them. My time saving thing I do is to put things on my bottom step of my house as I have a two storey home and carry them all up in one hit instead of heaps of little trips.


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