Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Time Matters

It seems funny to be writing about time management at this busy time of the year when we are experiencing out of control concerts, late nights mixed with the sugar rushes, excitement and shopping, shopping, shopping and one more trip to the shops for that last ingredient for the rum balls…and the story continues…

Doing things well is about stopping in the midst of the craziness and taking TIME to remember what it’s all about (especially during this beautiful season). For me that means:

A celebration of faith and TIME with family and friends.

Taking the TIME to stop and smile at someone instead of getting shoppers/road/airport/petrol station rage.

Taking the TIME to let the kids wrap the presents even though they look a bit dog eared and dodgy!

Taking the TIME to turn Mariah Carey up loud and sing like a crazy person and enjoy it.

Allowing the kitchen to be a mess for a while so everyone can be involved with the Christmas baking and letting the kids play a part in choosing a part of the meal.

Taking the TIME to create your own traditions.

Taking the TIME to count your blessings.

Taking the TIME to consider those less fortunate and what your contribution could be to easing their suffering.

We went shopping today (again) so the kids could choose presents for my hubby and myself while I waited outside. They were so excited and I’m so glad I took the TIME to let them choose heaven knows what (they were given a budget) then wrap it at home and stick it under the tree.

This is the TIME of year to manage our TIME moment by moment and make every effort to enjoy each special one…..New Year’s Eve will come around soon enough and we’ll be resolving to make 2008 a TIME of efficiency with our lists and structure…until then, take a deep breath, create some great memories and enjoy the ride.

Lv Jane


Susan J Sohn said...

Great post. It's interesting how we can enter into any season but especially Christmas and find ourselves run down at the end of everything. I say pace yourself and plan. Nothing like a plan to keep everything in order. Something I do is write lists (because I seem to be forgetting so much) and I even do a list for my Christmas dinner ~ one year I left a salad in the fridge and found it when it was time for desert.......
Anyway, for me it's about being as planned and organized as possible however in my organization I plan and make room for the spontaneous that always happens in our family.

Anonymous said...

You've really made me stop and think Jane! I've been getting myself into a bit of a whirl over the past week or so just doing stuff and I've been forgetting to stop and enjoy the season, let alone make it enjoyable for others.
Thank you for the "timely" reminder.

Anonymous said...

I too write lists. I learned this from my father. As a child I would often laugh at his daily lists and now my children do the same.

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