Thursday, November 02, 2006

More Than Enough...For The Busy Single Girl

As a single working mum, orchestrating a square meal to be on the table by 6pm or so, is sometimes impossible.

I am sure that many working mums and single girls are in the same boat. Rather than feeling as is you’re flailing in this area, chin up and read on. I have listed a couple of tips to help you out after being helped out myself.

Last week I was picking up my daughter from a friends house after work as she was placing her families meal on the table. Thinking outside her world, she offered me her ‘more than enough’ portion to take with me for dinner. There was not enough for two meals, however, combining it with a quick salad…and voila!

I cannot tell you how relieved I was to serve my daughter up a great meal on time. The extra time we had together to SIT and chat was fantastic.

So here are a few ideas that sprung to mind:

•Try choosing meals that you can cook on the weekend that will freeze.

•Choose a vegetarian meal if you usually have meat each night. Cooking is often much quicker.

•Eat out at a favourite ‘cheap eats’ once a fortnight…make it a tradition.

•When unpacking your groceries, chop what needs chopping, wash what needs washing and pack into containers and refrigerate.

•Marinate meat the night before.

•Pot Luck – once a month. Invite your circle of friends over.

•During the week grab a barbeque chicken instead of roasting one yourself.

•Leave your intricate recipes until the weekend when you have the time.

•And finally think more like my friend...outside her world. When cooking add a little more and freeze your ‘more than enough’ for your friend, neighbour, elderly parents, etc.

ps: When it all gets too hard, when road rage was an option on the way home, when the washing greets you before your dog does…chin up! Call a friend, pour a drink and order takeaway. There is always tomorrow to try again.


©thefamilyroom 2006


thefamilyroom said...

Thanks for the tips Michaela. You always have such practical advice...especially for us single girls!
Keep the points coming :)

Anonymous said...


As a girl who loves to feed everyone and anyone I loved your article Michaela. Single or otherwise I plan on surprising my friends with a meal for the night, just because....Annie

Anonymous said...

Good one Annie! My mum always said it tastes twice as nice if you share your food. Just more incentive really...haha.

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