Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Christmas Countdown - We’re Half Way There!

Week 5 Keep on top of Things!

•Play Christmas music from now until well after New Years :)
•Buy 4 more gifts.
•Send out invites to parties you’re planning to host.
•Prepare a holiday house-cleaning schedule that works for everyone.
•Get your photo with Santa earlier rather than later (avoid the cues).
•Invite family and friends to school plays, etc.

To buy this week:

•Frozen Deserts

So far many people we have talked to have endeavoured to stick by our 9 week Christmas plan and have done really well.

Week 5 is a crucial week as it is now setting the scene for your Christmas season. So stack the freezer with your frozen treats, pop on the Christmas music, sit down with your family and write your holiday party invitations together.

Write to us and tell of your adventures through your week. Whether that is the crazy moments lining up in the supermarket, or those golden moments chatting to your kids at bedtime.



Anonymous said...

Wow Michaela, I thought for a moment that you had donned a santa suit and posed !!!

That's my all time favourite Christmas album!


Anonymous said...

What do you mean Jane that is Michaela. She loves that suit.....she says she can't wait for Christmas because she loves the decorating, the food, etc., but really it's the fact that she gets to wear her Santa suit.

Anonymous said...

I bet she gets some bells jingling in that little number!


Anonymous said...

Okay you two!! Let's focus here.


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