Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Hello all just a quick story to put a smile on your face today.

The other night my hubby and I had decided to go out for a date. As you know whenever you decide to go out, once you have kids it’s no longer just getting yourself ready it’s everyone else as well. In an effort to be organised and ready for a great night out I bathed the children and whilst they were getting their jammies on I put the final touches on their dinner – a dinner I thought was really nice.

My eldest daughter and my youngest daughter feasted on the meal I had lovingly prepared and seemingly loved every morsel. My middle child who our boy in this great clan sat in his chair eating and chatting with everyone, mid way through the meal he said, "mummy, this is really good......except for the taste."

Needless to say, we all had a huge giggle. Thankfully I have a great sense of humour and his comment didn't rock my boat rather it made me love him even more (if that's at all possible).

I want to encourage you to listen to your children, let them talk. Remember, we were created with two ears and one mouth for a reason. Through their musings our children will challenge us, they will enlighten us, they will humour us and they will give us memories that will last a lifetime. Let them make you laugh.

If you have a funny story about something your child has said or done please share it with us. You never know who may be touched by the joy that resides in your home.

Have a fantastic day.

Susan xoxo
©thefamilyroom 2006

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