Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Reading Glasses...Not TV Glasses

Yes I am guilty just as much as the next girl for taking in more television viewing time than I probably should. A few months ago, my daughter, who is a bookworm, brought to my attention that my glasses were called ‘reading’ glasses rather than TV glasses.

So lately I have been challenged to pick up a book rather than reach for the remote, which is often the easiest form of ‘debriefing’ after a long day.

There is a great quote by poet and short story writer, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, “A man is known by the company his mind keeps”.

We all know we are often defined by the company we keep, but how often do we cultivate the company our mind keeps. Have we forgotten the art of reading?
Have we confined reading to emails, magazines and mail? With busy schedules it is too easy to slip into this very habit.

So inspired to return to the beauty of reading, to the turning again of pages, to the discovery of another’s world, to the quiet moments of escapism, I am leaving the television off a little longer.

My challenge to you is to switch off the television for one week, pick up a good book and see how much more you expand your thinking, imagination and creativity.

Rather than grabbing an old romance novel (which have their place), read a book that inspires you to be the best version of yourself, to think larger and make a change…and encourage your family members to do the same.

Here are some titles worth the read:

A Song Flung Up to Heaven - Maya Angelou.

The Story of My Life – Helen Kellar.

Desert Flower - Waris Dirie.

The Alchemist – Paulo Ceolho.

To Kill a Kill Mockingbird – Harper Lee.

Go ahead and get lost in the pages. You won’t regret it, in fact, you will probably find yourself in far more interesting conversations than those that surround Desperate Housewives or the latest CSI series.

Let us know if you have any ‘greats’ on your list that we should indulge in. HAVE FUN!


©thefamilyroom 2006


Anonymous said...

Okay I am sufficiently challenged. You guys must never sleep with all your effort to help us girls out. Thank you and well done!
- Michelle.

Anonymous said...

I have just finished Love in the Driest Season, Kite Runner, Reading Lolita in Tehran and Once while travelling by the founders of Lonely Planet.
I get nervous if I run out of books to read!
Oh also Emergency sex which actually has nothing to do with sex and is about 3 UN workers and their responses to things they saw while working in the field.
I often wish I could spend my whole life travelling and reading takes me there, it's perfect and a much cheaper alternative!

Anonymous said...

I have read Desert Flower. It is one story that every women should read. It is very moving. I think have made a movie about her life. Worth taking your girlfriends out to see.
- Carla.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jane,
Can you recommend any good books that ARE about sex?

Anonymous said...

I don't know anonymous, how bout The Love Lives of Ladybugs?


Anonymous said...

That's To Kill a Mockingbird. You don't have to kill it twice.

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