Friday, February 01, 2008

The Family Tree

Those of you who have been with us for awhile now, know that thefamilyroom crew are constantly thinking of ways to enrich our families lives. After getting my head around some family issues I have been faced with as of late, I started thinking of my family as tree (analytically speaking) and realised there are many similarities to each organism.

Every tree starts out small with intent to grow up and become strong, as does a family. With this in mind, I thought I’d ask myself some basic questions regarding the elements required to keep both a tree and a family healthy.

1. What am I feeding my family? Will it sustain it for the long haul?
2. When the floods of life come along, will my family stand strong?
3. Is my family reproducing itself? And if so, are the offshoots healthy?
4. Is my family’s fruit sweet or sour?
5. Does my family provide shelter and strength for those around us?
6. Are there things in my family that need ‘pruning’ or do I let them hang on?
7. When my family is feeling frail is strong support at the ready to tie it to?

Just a few thoughts. It’s always good to break things down and take stock every once in a while.



Anonymous said...

A great analogy Michaela.
Well worth meditating on.

Annie xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks Michaela, I love that analogy. It really helps to maintain the balance in the family when you think of things in that way.

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