Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Secrets from a Working Mum

Hi friends,

I hope you are all REALLY well. Today I thought I would take a moment and share some of the strategies I use to help me function as a ‘working Mum’. I really hope this encourages those of you who have found yourself in a particularly busy season. The BUSY season is exactly where I find myself right now; in the midst of much activity however (thankfully) things seem to be going well…..hence the reason I thought I would share a few thoughts:).

A quick look at my world - husband, kid’s 10, 8 and 4. I work 2 days a week as a midwife and 3 days a week in our cake business (with a shop opening soon called The Cake Tin). I’m currently taking an evening course at college, we have an active social calendar plus church commitments and last but not least I do my own cooking, cleaning, ironing, etc. Basically this is a very busy season as you can see.

I write the above (as I said) with the hope that you are encourage and see that IT CAN BE DONE and you can be happy, satisfied and effective in all areas of your life.

As you read this please, please remember that we are all different. My mother tells me that once I started to walk I charged everywhere (a glimpse into how I approach things!!!). Below are just a a few tips that really work for me, they may however freak you out, or turn you into a raving lunatic so simply enjoy, take whatever you can and if they don’t work for you remember that they may help a friend!

1. I use MS Outlook on my computer. The calendar is amazing. I put everything on it and each month I print it up so we all have a hard copy (not just me). This calendar reminds me/us each day what is needs/has to be done (eg: birthday’s, bills, assignments, car servicing, hair/dentist/doctor appointments, etc.,). This calendar allows my head to remain clear.

2. My big tip: DON”T PROCRASTINATE! Do it as soon as you can. This eliminates feelings of failure, confusion or guilt. Just the pleasure of one more thing completed. It’s much more fun to live with a sense of victory than failure

Running the House: One Word…LISTS
• My pantry cupboards can be opened to reveal what looks like plans to overtake a small nation in 3 days. There is a shopping list divided into: groceries/cold/fruit and veg/non food.
• Another piece of paper is time table listing each child’s weekly activities.
• There is a house- keeping timetable, which fits around my commitments (eg: Monday is floors, ironing, baking and general tidy. Tuesday is groceries, kitchen, and dusting. Saturday is washing towels/linen and cleaning the bathrooms)
• Make sure you include exercise in your timetable. I walk three or four mornings a week. I make this happen by going to bed at a decent hour which provides me with energy to rise a little earlier and as we all know exercise gives us more energy so it’s essential.
• Schedule “down time”. We have family night once a week as well as Richard and I spending time together. Throughout this blog thefamilyroom offers great ideas for family and partners.
• A list of suggestions for lunch boxes (thanks Susan) adorns the pantry door, as do meal plans for four weeks.

Whilst I may sound like a megalomaniac I can assure you in one afternoon, armed with a big cup of coffee, pencil and paper you could get it all sorted. It takes a bit of thinking and consideration of your family but it CAN BE DONE. Also remember that children DO benefit from being involved so include them (whatever age).

Lastly don’t’ be afraid to use hired help if that fits into your equation. Do what works for you and within your family budget. And, if you do take on the lists and you miss a day don’t stress (I should be washing the clothes presently but I’m chatting with you instead). The lists take the clutter out of my mind so I can be emotionally present rather than stressed. They work for everyone.

My little secret is to pray for the strength to do it all well, love the people I get to encounter in my busyness and look at my lists and smile. Susan is so right when she says that the world looks better through smiling eyes!!!

Annie xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Living by lists just makes life easier. I love what you said about list allowing you to be present wherever you are. Clarity brings so much into one's life.
Thanks Annie

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