Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Quote of the Day

On my radio show today (Coffee with Susan and Friends) we were talking about teaching our children about manners. Whilst the show LIVE there is a chat room that is always open and the conversation is always fun, interesting, very funny at times and always stimulating (to join the chat jump on blogtalkradio and register. You will need to come up with a user name and password. it only takes about 1 minute to go on....register and join the conversation).

Today the best line came through in the chat room. It was referred to by a caller and myself as pure, solid, 24 carat gold. It truly was the best line of the day. One of our listeners (who will remain anonymous until she chooses otherwise) said this:

"I've been told by my 5 year old that he hates me when I enforce a rule." I replied, "That's okay, I love you enough for both of us."

I think you'll agree, that's gold. What a wise, wise mother so quick to respond not with anger or biting back and a sharp comment, rather she responded with wisdom and love

I hope you will join our weekday conversation and share some of your wisdom with us. We all need a little more :)

Have the best day and keep changing the world.

Today's Fact: Gaston Leroux, born in Paris in on May 6, 1868 was a journalist and author of the Phantom of the Opera (1910).

Susan J Sohn

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