Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Economy and Our Future

With the economy in turmoil and the world changing around us, I have found myself lost in my thoughts, wondering what all of this means for us individually. I've listened intently to the bail-out packages. I've made all of this my business more than ever before.

As I consider all that is happening, I find myself extremely positive and hopeful. I'm choosing to look at this economic situation as an opportunity, rather than bowing to the pressure of a ‘crisis'. In saying that, I'm not naive enough to think that this will all blow over, I realise there are hard decisions that need to be made, cuts that have to happen and, for some people, horrific struggles and obstacles to overcome.

Where do I see the opportunity? Well friends, perhaps this is a time for us to live better. How do we do that when everything around us says we're all worse off than a few months ago? Perhaps we need to get back to our roots and draw on the strength of the only solid foundation we have right now. Each other. I'm suggesting that maybe, just maybe, we need to be less dependent on our material resources and more dependent on, or shall I say interested in, each other. I think it's time we retrain ourselves and learn how to find joy and pleasure in other ways. We need to understand that our finances are not our only source of security.

It's time to start making heavier deposits into our families and our communities, then watch as our relationships flourish. We need to stand arm in arm supporting one another through these times. I'm always inspired by stories of pioneers and how together they have birthed nations. I love the thought of ‘Thanks Giving’, where families and communities come together to celebrate, whether the harvest has been good or not. It promotes an understanding of togetherness, where strength can be drawn on when needed.

So, what does your economic future look like? As for me and my house, ours is bright because our security lies in more than a bank account.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok this is great. thanks Susan.

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