Sunday, June 15, 2008

Know Thyself

I discovered an old journal the other day in which I found a list.

The list contained all of my positive attributes and it was written by yours truly. I had been reading a book at the time that encouraged the recording of ones strengths. I recall it being quite a challenging exercise.

We live in a society where to think too highly of ones self is considered egocentric. In fact to know yourself and see yourself in a positive light actually frees you from being self-focused.

We generally are so caught up in what is “wrong” with us we can’t see those around us who would benefit from what is right with us.

I encourage you to take pen in hand and write down the characteristics you have been blessed with. Include physical, personality traits, talents and gifts. It may be a warm smile or you are good with money. Maybe you are a great listener and cook a mean lasagna.

Aim for twenty, this really makes you look past the obvious and delve into areas you may never have even considered. Have fun and if you like ask friends and family to help. It’s nice to have a list like this for days when you need a little reminder!



Anonymous said...

Thanks Annie, that's such a good idea. I love the thought that we all have something unique and special to offer.

Often we devalue what we have by comparing ourselves to others. I reckon a list like this would be a good reminder of our individual qualities and would help us to see more clearly how we can make a difference in our worlds.


Anonymous said...

Great stuff Annie,
I am really going to try and do this, it won't be easy, as we do focus on the negative in ourselves way to much.
Thanks again Annie.


Anonymous said...


Great true what you've written. It reminds me of that Marianne Williamson quote that goes (something) like this: "When you give yourself permission to shine you give others persmission to do the same. It's not our darkness we fear but in fact it's our light that scares us the most".
Lovely Annie and a great reminder that we are perfectly and wonderfully made.

ps - i LOVE the photo too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments.Being brave and stepping out definitely makes us more able to make a difference in our world.


p.s I love the photo too!

Anonymous said...

This is great Annie. I was encouraged to do this years ago and since I wasn't in such a great space at the time, it was a real challenge. The person who gave me the idea in the first place does this each year as it's often changing or increasing. Thanks for the nudge...I'm onto it and will encourage Mannie to do it too which is important at such a delicate age of self-doubt...13.

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