Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What Scares You?

Over the years, I have read a statement that is usually bundled with the kind of encouraging and challenging words often stumbled upon in a Hallmark card or the like. The phrase I'm referring to is Do Something Each Day That Scares You.

Upon first discovering this collection of words, I wasn't sure what it meant. I'm not a big believer in allowing fear to take up residence in my life. I eventually read through the words, between the lines, and I realised this was not referring to a scary movie or standing alone in a forest after dark, instead it was a challenge directed at the core of our being. I have since come to love this statement. It has truly stirred something deep within and has caused me to challenge myself to push my personal limits and boundaries.

Why have I embraced this statement and chosen to do something each day that scares me? I do so simply because I want my life to continue growing and strengthening and I understand that confidence is built through going beyond what is comfortable. I don't want to become complacent and 'ok' with the status quo, rather I want to be pushed, shoved at times (if necessary) and moved to increase, whether that be in my mental capacity, physical ability or spiritual strength. Growth and determination, I believe, are two essential ingredients that we all need to live strong, confident lives.

So today, my challenge to you, and as always to myself, is to do something that scares each one of us. What scares you will look very different from what scares me and that's okay. I suggest you begin small and allow your confidence to build. Starting small may look like taking a course you've thought about, tackling your finances, speaking to someone who may intimidate you, voicing your opinion and involving yourself in decision-making or even applying for a new job. Only you will know what truly scares you and what it is that will challenge you to step beyond your usual limits. Subsequently, only you will know when you have achieved something and seen confidence build. Understand that this could be a total retraining of your current thinking, so give yourself some time and space to see true change and confidence emerge.

What am I doing today that scares me? I'm making phone calls in search of a publisher for a children's book I've written. I'm scared and I'm excited about the possibility and the ‘what-ifs’ in life. Today is a great day.



Anonymous said...

How funny, we are in the zone- This morning I was listening to a woman talk about cutting the head off the Goliaths in our lives and how that's possible even with a few insignificant stones.

It made me think on the drive home about what my goliaths are and I will ponder it for the next few days...also what do the stones represent?



Anonymous said...

Yikes. Truthfully, I don't know if I have the fortitude to slay any dragons today but you definitely make sense. "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger" right?

Anonymous said...

It's 4:30 am and I can't sleep so what do I do... I do what I always do... I check out the FamilyRoom blog site. Why? Because I know you will help prepare my mind and my attitude for the day ahead.
Thank you.
Sleepless in Saskatchewan

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