Friday, August 10, 2007


Ok so you may have already worked out that I have a fascination with food. Hence this post. Sharing food satisfies my need to cook, to bless and say, “I care”. My familyroom friends have taught me to look for opportunities to help out in practical ways.

Recently my neighbour mentioned that she has a huge workload with the current contract she is working on. I see her study light on late at night. She has two children and a husband who works long hours. Whilst I can’t write for her I can help to lighten the load. Every few days I cook an extra batch of whatever is for dinner and pop it across on her kitchen bench. This small gesture speaks volumes. It is as easy as a bigger pot of minestrone or another tray of lasagne. A small gesture but food for the soul and a kind gesture that I know will be passed on.

I thought this a good familyroom ‘tip’ to share. I am continually amazed at how we are able to make such a huge difference simply using what is in our hands and in this case it’s my love for food and my ability to pull it together.

Take care everyone and have a FANTASTIC weekend.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Annie these have been really interesting.
Jaelynne - USA

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