Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Something for the Girls.......

Hi Friends,

I’m broaching one of those subjects that we “all know about” (like self breast examination) and are mostly slack at doing. What am I talking about today....... The Pelvic Floor Exercise!!!!!! I know everyone is squirming now as they read on.

I first learnt about pelvic floor exercises as an RN. As I studied to be a midwife the importance of the Pelvic Floor became more apparent. My complete revelation however, occurred after having had three vaginal deliveries. Do I have any friends out there….?!!

So friends in the interest of your pelvic floors and in an effort to assist you move towards dry undies, the ability to cough or laugh without fear plus the dreaded unexpected sneeze and of course the best part ~ better sex I shall share some much needed info with you.

What is it all about?
The pelvic floor is like a hammock stretching from your tail bone to your pubic bone.. The pelvic floor muscles play an important role in bladder and bowel control and sexual sensation. Pelvic floor muscles can be weakened by, pregnancy and childbirth, chronic constipation, regular heavy lifting, menopause, being overweight and unfit.

What you can do:
It is important not to hold your breath, squeeze your buttocks or thighs or push down when doing these exercises.

The muscles you wish to tighten are the same ones you use when you want to stop passing wind or if you were to stop your flow of urine mid-stream (not recommended).

1. Tightening and drawing in around the anus, the vagina and the urethra all at once, lifting them UP inside. Try and hold this contraction strongly as you count to five then release and relax. You should have a definite feeling of 'letting go'.
2. Repeat ('squeeze and lift') and relax. It is important to rest for about 10 seconds in between each contraction. If you find it easy to hold for a count of five, try to hold for longer - up to ten seconds.
3. Repeat this as many times as you are able up to a maximum of 8-10 squeezes.
4. Now do five to ten short, fast, but
5. Strong contractions.
6. Do this whole exercise routine at least 4-5 times every day.

Remind yourself to do your exercises by associating them with a common task like washing your hands. I have a friend who has a couple of yellow spots stuck around the house, she does her exercises when she sees the spot. Go for it girls, you will thank me in days, weeks, months and especially in years to come.



Anonymous said...

I am squeezing and lifting as I write...... WOW!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

Not a very glamorous topic but one well worth pondering!


Anonymous said...

My doctor told me to imagine taking the elevator (or lift for the Oz and English readers). Squeeze take it up to the first floor, up to the second, up to the third... hold the elevator on the third floor and count to five and then take it down to the second floor, down to the first floor and then leave it in the basement. He told me to take 10 people for an elevator ride each day!

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